Nice to meet you – I’m Lottie.
If you’ve read Emily’s book about me, you know I love a good April Fools Day prank. If you haven’t yet, stop what you’re doing right now, purchase a copy, and read chapter 20. I’ll wait…
That was a good prank, right? I sure was a wild one in my schoolgirl days.
Well, this prank might top them all. I have finally cracked Emily’s password and have taken over her blog!
I don’t think she will mind. She’s too busy, anyway, working on her next novel about my life in China.
I’ve been on furlough in the States, visiting family and dear friends in church Woman’s Mission Societies who so generously support my work in China. It’s been a wonderfully refreshing time. I’ve even toured the mission rooms of the Foreign Mission Board, or should I say International Mission Board. I didn’t believe it until I saw the new name painted on the building. It was quite a shock at first, but quite agreeable once you get used to it.
I borrowed Emily’s phone for my tour – honest. She let me take it. She also told me that it has a camera, so I can take selfies.
Here’s my first one! Not bad, right?
The guardians of the premises greeted me with pardoning smiles, though they insisted I sign my name most officially into their registry before granting me full clearance to roam. Once inside, I made straight for the library to see what sort of texts they had in circulation. I was pleased to find an excellent book on display!
But imagine my surprise when I haplessly stumbled upon a doll styled in my own countenance! I have never been so utterly tickled by the whimsy of this world’s curiosities.
I must confess my delight in beholding such a doppelganger. Surely, it is right that she is in the library’s pride of place in the front window.
Hot upon the trail of further shenanigans, I stumbled into the President’s Dining Room. Lo and behold, I discovered a wonderful portrait of my good friend, Mr. Henry Allen Tupper, himself. I very nearly outed a most unladylike whoop of delight at spying the familiar face of he who championed single women missionaries like me to “go ye therefore” into the world and share the gospel.
I simply had to take another selfie. I must say, I’m getting pretty good at this!
At the appointed hour, I made my way to the chapel for the Board’s Employee Worship Service. Emily met me there so we could enjoy chapel together, singing in most heartfelt worship, listening to God’s Word, and praying fervently for missions.
What a delightful excursion around these mission rooms! The grand fountain was a particular delight to my eyes. To gaze upon that watery globe spinning leisurely was captivating for a curious soul like myself who dreams of spreading the gospel to the farthest reaches of this wide world. To imagine…
“For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea” (Habakkuk 2:14).
It fills the sails of my heart, ready to return to China and herald the good news of God’s love.
I’m going to spin it so that China is facing the front…
Yours truly,
L. Moon